
Briess Golden Light LME 3.3 lbs

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Golden Light LME
Malts Base Malt, Carapils®
Malt Solids 79%
Fermentability 75%
Color¹ 4 °Lovibond
Specific Gravity² 1.035

Briess CBW® (Concentrated Brewers Wort) Golden Light is a light colored, American malt extract. It produces a classic malty flavor and is suitable for use in any style of beer.

¹ Color figure applies to a mixture of extract with water. Therefore, you may experience a different color, depending on use. 
² Specific Gravity applies to a mixture of 1 lb of extract with 1 gal of water. For 'brewer's points', use the final two digits of the figure.

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  • 5
    1st time it, I'll let you know

    Posted by Jeff on 8th May 2015

    This is the first time buying homebrew products from you guys, When I finish with the process I'll let you know... Thanks